Applied Behavior Analysis at Sunny Raindrops

There has been a lot of discussion lately about the application of behavioral analysis (ABA). As a result of this section, the reader will be able to gain a deeper understanding of ABA and make informed decisions about best ABA practices in a more informed way.

Senior Care
Applied Behavior Analysis at Sunny Raindrops

What is Generalization in ABA?

ABA and other therapies promote acquiring new skills that enhance the quality of life for neurodivergent children. Learning new skills can only be beneficial if the child can put them to use outside of the structured learning environment. Generalizing skills are crucial to meaningful behavior change. 

Natalie Hepting, M.Ed., BCBA, LBA

November 29, 2023

Senior Care
Applied Behavior Analysis at Sunny Raindrops

The Benefits of Pairing in ABA Therapy

Pairing is an essential piece to a positive therapeutic relationship. Read on to learn what pairing is, how it’s done, and its benefits.

Natalie Hepting, M.Ed., BCBA, LBA

November 29, 2023